Supporting Immigrants with Dignity in Detention and Upon Release


When released from immigrant detention at the Northwest ICE Processing Center, asylum seekers are often scared and confused, not knowing whom to trust. Their journeys to escape political oppression, war, violence, persecution, death threats, natural disasters, and economic need include difficult treks across several continents, often with exploitation by human traffickers. Immigration processing in ICE detention, where all their belongings are removed, can take months, even years. The compassionate support that AIDNW volunteers and staff offer to immigrants in detention, and at their release, relieves isolation and anxiety, connects them to community resources, and provides hope for new lives.

Immigrant Assistance in Detention

Detained immigrants call the AIDNW Hotline to request phone funds to contact family, friends, or legal help. Upon request, AIDNW arranges consistent volunteer visits or pen pals for community connections. Other volunteers gather books in various languages, and arts and craft supplies, to relieve the boredom from months or years of confinement.

Immigrant Assistance Upon Release

Released immigrants and asylum seekers are warmly greeted at the AIDNW Welcome Center RV and tents. Volunteers there provide phone access, snacks and beverages, onward travel arrangements to family or sponsors, backpacks, new clothing, document bags, and safe temporary housing as needed. Volunteer drivers transport them to the airport, train, or bus station.

Temporary Immigrant Housing Assistance

Released immigrants without US-based family or sponsors can stay at the Tacoma AIDNW Hospitality House for up to three months. Volunteer drivers provide newly released asylum seekers with transportation and supportive accompaniment to medical facilities and to partner organizations with specialized long term immigrant services.


Advocates for Immigrants in Detention Northwest (AIDNW), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Tacoma, Washington, assists immigrants and asylum seekers detained in and released from the Northwest ICE Processing Center in Tacoma, Washington. Upon their release from immigration detention, AIDNW volunteers warmly welcome them to the Pacific Northwest, unite them with their U.S. families or sponsors, provide temporary housing, and connect them to resettlement resources. 

SINCE 2019

IN JULY 2024


Number of immigrant services provided


Number of immigrants welcomed


Volunteer Hours


Migrants served through our Welcome Center





Carla Moschetti, AIDNW volunteer

“Immigrants are Grateful for Visits in Detention”

When I started as a visitation volunteer with AIDNW, I was a bit nervous. I'm not the world's greatest conversationalist; I had no idea how it would go.
Katherine Niall, AIDNW Visitation Coordinator

“Give Visitation a Try; the Experience Will Transform You!”

My interest in immigration issues was triggered by Joe Arpaio's reign of terror among immigrants and the fascistic “Papers Please” law (SB1070) passed by the Arizona Senate in 2010.
Aviva Furman, AIDNW welcome center volunteer - white, middle aged woman with blond curly hair and glasses. She is smiling widely.

“The Best Volunteer Job I’ve Ever Had!”

I’ve had the privilege of being an AIDNW Welcome Center volunteer for about three years. I heard an AIDNW radio story, and I knew I wanted to get involved. This has been the best volunteer job I’ve ever had!


September Newsletter

AIDNW September 2024 Newsletter 📫

Tacoma City Council Passes Resolution 41378

The City of Tacoma will provide $10,000 to AIDNW for phone funds for detainees!


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