Get involved with helping immigrants in the Pacific Northwest in a way that suits your personal interests, available time, and resources. The best place to start is by signing up to receive our monthly newsletter.

Concerned by the news on immigration and want to connect to learn more and take action with other AIDNW volunteers in person and via online meetings? Attend our AIDNW community meetings, volunteer forums, and educational events.

Have you lived or worked outside the US at some time in your life? Volunteering is a way to use your experiences abroad to help new US arrivals, especially if you have foreign language skills. Apply to volunteer.

Busy working or caring for family and with little time to volunteer? AIDNW offers ways to help immigrants through in-kind donations. Donate now.

AIDNW Office 253-572-9659 open by appointment at 2367 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98402. Our email is

Welcome Center 253-343-4324 operates Mon-Fri 2:30-5:00 pm on East J St in front of the NW Immigration Detention Center.

At a community meeting, the audience listens to an AIDNW guest speaker describe the US immigration system and current pending legislation.


Need more information for your group? Request an AIDNW presentation at your club, faith-based organization, school, or community group. AIDNW trained speakers describe our immigrant assistance programs for people detained and released from the Northwest ICE Processing Center.

Or volunteer with us! Do you have expertise on immigration issues, or experience living abroad? AIDNW offers opportunities to serve immigrants from around the world, and provide a meaningful welcome with immediate hands-on solutions.

For anyone wanting to support AIDNW’s mission, there are many opportunities to help, from serving on a committee (Fundraising, Communications and Marketing), sorting donations, helping in the office, planning events, and more.

Please fill out a Volunteer Application and note at the top the ways you might like to be involved. For more information, contact Thank you for joining our community of AIDNW volunteers!

Attend an Event

Learn more about asylum-seeker journeys to the US, the US immigration system, immigrant detention, and how AIDNW welcomes immigrants to Washington state. We have monthly in-person community meetings, online listening sessions, periodic volunteer communications support group meetings, and annual fundraisers that bring cheer to the community. To attend our regular and special events, sign up for our monthly newsletter where all the announcements are made.

Volunteer With Us

AIDNW is a lean organization, including just one wonderful Operations Manager who coordinates volunteers to do all the services we provide to immigrants in detention and upon their release, as well as volunteers helping in the office with tasks like depositing phone funds into detained immigrant accounts, organizating gear, and more.

In essence, AIDNW is a volunteer-run organization. Our board members are volunteers. Our committees are all-volunteer. All visits into detention are by volunteers. All pen-pals are volunteers, and all the books, puzzles and deportation bags are put together and delivered into detention by volunteers.

All the people staffing the AIDNW Welcome Center who help immigrants as they walk out of the detention center are volunteers, and the people who drive immigrants to the bus, train, and airport all volunteer. It’s a wonderful community of people with hearts full of love for service to humanity.

Join us and make lifelong friends among immigrants and fellow volunteers! Start by completing a confidential application form via your choice of…

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