Entries by webmin

Reflections From The AIDNW Welcome Center

“When you realize just what they have been through to get here: weeks to months in detention, the journey just to get to our southern border, some of the horrible conditions in their home country. They are survivors and I’m in awe.”

Pedro from Venezuela

I left my home in Venezuela on the 21st of December of 2021 and I entered the United States on December 25th where I endured a difficult and complicated process of detention.

Rama from Nepal

On a cold and windy November day, as the light was fading, Rama, an eighteen-year-old man from Nepal, walked out of the Northwest Ice Processing Center in Tacoma, WA, with no jacket on, wearing only a T-shirt.

Dmitry & Family from Ukraine

In 2018 , Dmitry and his wife traveled from Ukraine and crossed the US southern border together where they requested asylum. Dmitry was then sent to the Northwest ICE detention center in Tacoma, but his wife, who was pregnant, was sent to an ICE facility in Texas, then released. Dimitry did not know where she was — ICE would not tell him.

Frankling from Nicaragua

Frankling worked in agriculture in Nicaragua until he was seventeen and later in construction or at markets. After the 2006 presidential election of Daniel Ortega, and during his three more 5-year terms after that, the political situation changed from support of democratic rights to dictatorial oppression of all classes of people.